Monday, January 3, 2011

The Year of the Novel

Another year has come and gone. I don't make New Year Resolutions but I do have a goal for this year: finish the current novel that I'm writing. I finished a novel last year but haven't found representation yet (and I'm losing hope that I will) so I've moved on to working on another novel that I started a couple of years ago.

Then I went to an agent's blog and saw this video posted:

It's hilarious and also brutally honest. I laughed at some parts and wanted to cry at others. If you don't already know, the writing industry kind of sucks. It's REALLY, REALLY hard to break into. While you see hundred and hundreds of books in a book store it's very difficult to get published (unless you have a couple of thousands of dollars to self-published but there is a whole lot more to that than meets the eye). And although the new technology of Kindle and Nook may sound really cool not much has been worked out in regards to the writers part in this new technology. What I'm trying to say is that this new technology is really screwing writers over.

But I will keep writing and keep trying to get published as long as there are people out there who want to read I have some hope. So get the real deal and buy books!

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! so glad you are on book two. Smart. (and somehow, I think it helps the luck/sale of the first one, too, unless you turned that one into a "drawer" novel).

    Point is: You are absolutely correct with keeping at the second book and yes, it's tough to get published.

    But we don't care (too much, at the moment) cuz there will be publishing triumph!

    Happy New Year and ever onward!
