Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sad Day for America

It’s going to be very, very rare that I address a political issue here but I will sometimes talk about a current event issue. First let me state that I think our country is in a sad shape and needs to heal. That doesn’t mean that the government has to fix the all the problems (the DO have lots of problems to fix though). We need to help with the healing process as well. The people of this country need to support each other, show compassion, common sense and common courtesy. We definitely didn’t do that today.

Today the President of the United State spoke to school children across America about the importance of staying in school. And I think that every American on this planet (I don’t care if you voted for Obama or not, what the color of your skins is, what your religion is…you get the picture) should have been supporting him 100% in this endeavor. But we didn’t. Today wasn’t about the healthcare reform, this wasn’t about the economic crisis, this wasn’t about the war. This was people getting upset about….the President telling kids to stay in school. Am I missing something? Should kids drop out of school? Is this really wrong people? Hello? President Obama is not the first president to talk to elementary school kids and he won’t be the last.

All the hoopla over this (and yes, it was hoopla – a waste of time and energy) just goes to show that we aren’t working together to help heal this country. I’m not saying you can’t have an opinion because you should. But if you don’t like Obama’s healthcare plan, voice your opinion at the appropriate place and time. This wasn’t it. Yes, today was a sad day for America.

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