Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Enticing Titles

I thank God every day that I have a job but I also pray every night that God might help me find a new job. One that I would love. Don't laugh. I've heard people say "I love my job." So I know loving your job does exist. But right now I really, really don't love my job. At it's has gotten so bad that I have turned to . . . self help books!

First, a disclamer about self help books: there is nothing wrong with them. But the only books the I have that would even be considered self help are books about writing. Self help books just don't do it for me.
But yesterday, during a rather bad day, a friend called me at work and told me she had just seen a book she thought I might be interested in.
Yes, this a real title for a real book and it fit my state of mind yesterday and so after work I made a trip to the library to check the book out. I found the book, pulled it off the shelf and then took a quick glance at the book that was next to it.

Wow, this one sounded really good too! So I got that book out as well. When I got home I went online and found one more book that I thought might help.

My library carried this book as well but it was checked out so I put it on the hold list. Last night I started the first book and it didn't take long for me to realized why I don't normally ready self help books! But boy do they have good titles!

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