Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blessings Happen

They really do and I have proof that they do. Here's the back story: About four years ago I was diagnosed with Meniere's' disease. It's basically a disorder that affects the inner ear and, for me, causes severe and debilitating vertigo episodes and, to a lesser extent, dizzy spells. The exact cause of Meniere's is unknown and there is no cure. And a side effect is hearing loss. When I was diagnosed I was told I had 40% hearing loss in my right ear. I saw an audiologist about getting a hearing aide but because my insurance doesn't cover it, the cost would be $2,30o. That's $2,300 I don't have. So for the last four years I've made adjustments, like always trying to be on the right side of people and leaning into people with my left side to try and hear them better. I've also been saying "What?" a lot.

Here's where my blessing comes in. About two years ago a woman named Christine started coming to the Bible study I attend. She has a great personality, loves to laugh and is very joyful. It wasn't until about a year ago that we developed a common interest and became friends. Christine is married with two boys. her youngest one is completely deaf but now has a cochlear implant and no longer has to use hearing aides so Christine offered me one of his. I asked my doctor if I could use a "used" hearing aide and how much it would cost. I was told that all I'd need to do was have a new ear mold done and adjustments could be made so that I could use it. And the best news: it would cost less than $125!!!!

Now if that isn't a blessing then I don't know what is. I know God brought Christine into my life for a reason and I am truly thankful. So one week from today I should get my new hearing aide. Thanks Christine, I love you!


  1. Dear H, Isn't it great the way things work out? So glad you found a great deal and have such a great friend.

    Now, next time you come to STL, because you must you know, even if it ends up to be the hosting place for the OC conference instead of Maui, anyway, next time you're here, we're going to the Book House. In fact, we can do a indie bookstore tour. there are reportedly 7 indie bookstores in STL. I have been to only three of them. Put it on your list/calendar.

  2. That was beautifully written!! Thank you Heather. God is SOOOOO good :o) I love you too.
