Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Blame the Meds

I did something rather embarrassing last Saturday. But it wasn't my fault, really. I have some prescription medication that I take on an as-needed basis (I won't bore you with the details as to why I need it but I do, I really do). Other people who take this medication for the same reason I do call a side effect of the medication "brain fog." For me it just makes me a little groggy. Ok, maybe a lot groggy but I'm still able to function, at least to a point.

So very early Saturday morning I had to take this medication. Just over an hour later the medication wasn't working so I took another little tiny pill. The medication started to kick in and I went about my day which included going out to lunch and spending the afternoon with a friend (Hi Nancy!). When I got home I took off my shoes and realized I had on two different shoes. On the right foot was a brown shoe and on the left foot was a black show. Two different style shoes, two different colors. The heals were the same height so I guess that's why I didn't notice

So maybe I do get a little brain fog.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great story! How have you been? Besides being medicated... what's new? We should get together some time soon.
