I love to read. I love to read so much that my 40th birthday party was a book theme and all my guests had to bring me books as gifts. I love to read so much that I tend to do it when I should be doing other things, like exercising or writing or cleaning the bathroom. But sometimes I get really excited about reading about a book and 5, 10 or 15 pages into it think it sounds familiar and I realize I’ve already read it (come on, I know this has happened to some of you too).
So a couple of years ago I decided I was going to start the new year by keep a list of all the books I’ve read that year (does anyone else do this?). I did this for two reasons: to make sure I didn’t start to read a book I’d already read and because I was curious to see how many books I read in a year. And the only rule I have is that I have to have finish the book to put it on The List.
Now, before I share my numbers with you let make this disclaimer: I’m a single gal and have a lot of time on my hands to read. I pretty much read every day. I read different books at different speeds, some of the books are really thick and some are really thin. And, well, I think the size of my butt and state my bathroom can speak for themselves.
2005 – 35 books
2006 – 31 books
2007 – 56 books
2008 – 45 books
2009 – 42 books (as of Wednesday, August 26)
Just tell me that a lot of this year's books are skinny ones. Egads. You are way ahead of the pack on the 2009 numbers. I'm checking my own list tonight. (I keep a list on one of my blog "pages." But don't look. I gotta update it.