Yes, I have an account of Facebook. The reason I like it is because I get to connect with my family and friends that don’t live near me. Since I can’t be there to see my cousin’s kids grow up at least I can see picture of them growing up. As my Facebook Friends know, I don’t post a lot of comments, mainly because my life on a day-to-day basis is pretty boring. Don’t get me wrong, I like Facebook. But what you may not know about Facebook when you open your account are the hidden evils within known as “Applications.”
WARNING!!! WARNING!! – If you don’t know about the Facebook Applications, please for your own benefit, STOP READING NOW! Step away from the computer, go read a book, watch television, spend time with your family, anything, just stop reading now.
At first glance these “Applications” look like harmless fun. But until you get suckered in you have no idea what’s ahead. It started for me with the games. Facebook has lots and lots of games. This first one I played was Bejeweled Blitz. You have one minute to match up same-like jewels and earn points. At first you think it’s just a fun little game but what you don’t know until you open it up is that over on the side are the scores of your Facebook Friends who have been playing the same game. Seems harmless enough, right? At first you think it’s great that Mary has the high score of 124,300 points. Good for her. Then you start to play. This is kind of hard. How the heck did Mary get such a high score? I can’t seem to break 55,000 points. That puts me in fourth place!!! Have to keep playing, having to keep getting a better score. To date that hasn’t happened.
So I move on to another game, Farkle (a dice game where you earn points for getting matches). Not many of my Facebook Friends are playing this game so the odds are looking better that I can be #1 (I’m not really a competitive person, really I’m not). And for a brief few hours I have the top score, I am #1. That is until I logon the next day and find that Jane has beaten my top score. How did she do that?
Time to move on to Wordtext (you earn points for making as many words as possible from six letters). A game about words! I can do this! Or so I thought. What the heck does yups mean? Or magre for that matter. I’ve never heard of these words! Who designed this game? If you’re one of my Facebook Friends you’ll have to load this game up to see how pathetic I am at it.
Now there are lots and lots of other “Applications” on Facebook but somehow I got started on Farmville (a social game that lets you create an avatar that runs a farm). I got my avatar up and running and started planting crops and buying trees and animals. But here’s what you’ve got to watch, not everything you plant grows at the same rate. So if you don’t harvest those strawberries in the allotted amount of time they go bad and you don’t get any money (yes, that happened to me). I didn’t want to become a real farmer, getting up at the crack of dawn to check my crops before getting in the shower and going to my real job. I just wanted to send my cousin’s 10-year-old son a cow every so often.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The designers of Farmville give you the option to sell the farm. I’m considering…maybe a move to YoVille or Dragon Wars or Mafia Wars or Fashion Wars…I’m sorry, where did the last four hours go?
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