But something has changed and I think I know what it is.
This is where I started working about six months ago:
I was rather excited about moving to this office space because it has windows. Now you may not think windows are such a big deal but when you spend years working at desk with no windows, no natural lighting, believe me, it makes a difference. But then I realized that while I can now just turn my head to glance outside and feel the sun on my face, these are really crappy windows. I have learned that they don’t keep out the heat of the summer and they are not keeping out the cold of winter.
Last week the high temperature was in the low 40s and by mid-morning my feet (with socks on and in a pair of work shoes) were as cold as ice. So cold that at lunch time I was compelled, compelled I say, to buy these:
They are not the prettiest pair of slippers (although they have rubber soles so are they technically slippers?) but I was looking for something warm and these are warm. And it’s all because of those darn windows. They don’t keep out the cold and now I’m going to spend the next several months wrapped in layers of clothing like never before. I’ve decided I will probably have to buy a fashionable wrap because I would not be caught dead in one of those awful Snuggies. I have a “work” cardigan but it’s hard to put on over a sweater.
And then it hit me. I come to work and take off my shoes for warmer ones and then put on a cardigan…. who does that reminder you of? Hint: It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood… Yes, I’ve turned into a reverse Mr. Rodgers!!!!
This made me laugh very much!!!