Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Weekends

I work Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for one reason and one reason only, I need MONEY. So I can honestly say, I live for weekends. The very best thing for me about weekend is I get to sleep in, usually 1 1/2 to 2 hours longer than I do during the week (I really like to sleep!). But weekends can be kind of tricky. You have to balance pleasure with all those "chores" you didn't do during the week.

Because I'm single and I essentially don't have to please anybody but myself so some of these chores can go a lot longer than you probably would let them. But I still have decide, do I watch two hours of cooking shows on Saturday morning or do I clean the microwave and wash the kitchen floor. Then there are all those chores I didn't do during the week, like laundry or grocery shopping or going to Target to pick up some "essentials" I've been thinking about all week.

Now I know families where both parents work have it even harder because you have to factor in children. And I won't even start on all the addition chores if you have a house!

Here's my perfect weekend: two days where the most productive thing I do is brush my teeth and take a shower. The kitchen is stocked with food so I don't have to go grocery shopping and going outside constitutes opening the door to get the Sunday paper. During these two days of bliss I would have equal time to nap, read, write and scrapbook (and possibly watch a cooking show or two and a movie). Sounds pretty damn lazy, doesn't it?

So my perfect weekend doesn't happen very often. While I did get to sleep in this morning and I have brushed my teeth and taken a shower I am determined to clean the bathroom and the microwave and vacuum before the day is over. But first, there's a cooking show (or three) that I need to watch first. I could definitely use an extra day to my weekend.

Have a happy weekend.

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