Thursday, April 8, 2010

What the Heck Has Happened to Cell Phones?

My sister just got the iPhone. It jas a lot of bells and whistles. Yes, the Internet access on her phone is better than on my computer at home. And yes, the apps are pretty cool (she has one that translate dog barks into English). But it has one really big problem, making phone calls. I was on a call with my sister and her iPhone (for about 30-45 minutes) and the call was dropped four times. Yes, FOUR TIMES! What good is a cell phone (even with all the cool stuff) if you can't make phone calls?

Now I admit my cell phone is very basic and I don't pay a lot for it. I don't have unlimited minutes or texting (I don't do a lot of texting because it takes me about 10 minutes to type in a five word message). I don't have Internet access on my phone (I'm too cheap, there I said it) so I can't update my Facebook page or Tweet (and I really HATE Twitter). I don't download special ringtones, I use what comes with the phone and my current ringtone is actually an old fashing ringing phone (remember the ringing sound of the rotary phones?). I do have the ability to take pictures but since I don't have a sims card its hard to get the photos off my phone, and they are pretty crappy quality.

Yes, basically I use my cell phone for one purpose, to make phone calls. Yes, all the other things are really cool but do we really need all that stuff? I know people who can't survive without their cell phones (you know who you are) and that seems kind of sad to me. Why do we need to be in constant contact with each other? Why do you think people are interested in your every thought or movement? What happened to calling people and talking?

There's a commerical on TV now (I actually think think it's for an iPhone) of a man asking, "Who uses a phone just to make phone calls?" Hello, I do!

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